Bid Sourcing

Relying only on one platform to source/find tenders is the best way to fail.

The best bid sourcing strategy is designed to locate all suitable tenders and boost market awareness within the public and private sectors. You cannot automate this.

There are plenty of tender platforms out there. Some of them are good, but they can't capture everything. Tenders are often published under wrong categories and not every system allows access to their databases.

Some organisations manually search and send tender opportunities directly to organisations. Other professionals breach PCR2015 to save time by using existing frameworks to manage tenders which prevent public access.

If you do not have a proper bid sourcing methodology and system in place, you will lose out on opportunities. Every sector brings different challenges and each sourcing strategy is tailored to each market. We treat bid sourcing as a full-time project which means that we are sourcing daily, not just one time a month. Reputation management and PR processes are necessary to spot everything under the public eye, too.

Our case studies

See all projects

Tender Scraping & Market Scans

Manual Bid Sourcing

Reputation Management

PR & Market Management

A successful Bid Sourcing process that runs 24/7 uses an omnichannel approach to source, attract and analyse the best tenders as well as both private and public markets.


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Find contracts that you will acquire every week or month

It is time for you to profit more. We will help you to keep your pipeline full while strengthening your brand and reputation along the way.
